Last Updated: 2024-04-27 03:25:43 Saturday
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《CLRS》讨论MST的前提是Connected Undirected but Weighted Graph。MST是一棵连接所有vertices的树,具备树中所有Edge权重和最小的特性。(注意与Shortest Path的区别,不一样的)
sort all edges by cost in ascending order in E
T is initialized as an empty set
For each edge as e in E:
if T+{e} has no cycle:
T = T+{e}
T is MST
Kruskal算法的一个关键,在于如何高效的判断加入e之后T是否存在cycle。此时要用到disjoint set数据结构
(或称为union find),edge的两个vertice如果不属于同一个union,就可以放心加入,一定没有cycle。union在这里就成了connected components。如果假设find操作的复杂度为\(O(\log{V})\),union的复杂度为\(O(1)\),判断cycle的耗时与find相同,因此Kruskal的时间复杂度为\(O(E\log{V})\)。
Prim(G,v): # v is start vertex
S = {v}
T = an empty set
create a minheap as EH # Edge minHeap
add all edges of v to EH # edges in cut-set(S,V-S)
while |S| != |V|:
extract the minimum cost edge as e and (a,b) in EH
T = T + {e}
S = S + {b} # a is already in S
maintain EH # add all edges of b to EH,
# delete all edges (x,b) where x in S,
# that's the edges in cut-set(S,V-S)
T is MST
Prim算法与Dijstra算法很相似,但又有根本的区别。Prim算法中的Heap,只有edge的cost,Prim关注MST。Dijstra算法中的Heap,保存shortest path cost from source vertex,Dijstra关注SP。
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