学习x86-64寄存器(x64 Register Set)

Last Updated: 2023-07-20 03:55:12 Thursday

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The mandatory or implicit use of specific registers by some instructions is a legacy design pattern that dates back to the 8086, ostensibly to improve code density. What this means from a modern programing perspective is that certain register usage conventions tend be observed when writing x86-32 assembly code.

x86的特殊寄存器有ebp、esp、eip、eflags。eip是程序计数器。eflags保存计算过程中产生的标记位,包括进位、溢出、零、负数等标记,在x86的文档中,这几个标记位分别称为CF、OF、ZF、SF。ebp和esp用于维护函数调用过程的栈帧(stack frame)。

一般情况下,esp指向栈顶(低地址),而ebp为栈帧(stack frame)指针,指向当前调用栈的底(高地址)。每个函数的每次调用,都有它自己独立的一个栈帧,这个栈帧中维持着函数运行所需要的各种信息。对esp做减法,就是在扩展栈空间。


The x64 architecture is a backwards-compatible extension of x86. It provides a legacy 32-bit mode, which is identical to x86, and a new 64-bit mode.



x64中的寄存器,都用r开头,表示64bit,他们分别是rax,rbx,rcx,rdx,rsi,rdi,rbp,rsp,另外,在x64中还新增了r8 -- r15,他们作为普通寄存器存在,可以任意使用。


Operations that output to a 32-bit subregister are automatically zero-extended to the entire 64-bit register. Operations that output to 8-bit or 16-bit subregisters are not zero-extended (this is compatible x86 behavior).


The high 8 bits of ax, bx, cx, and dx are still addressable as ah, bh, ch, dh, but cannot be used with all types of operands.



By definition, an executing task must use the computational resources provided by the core execution unit. Using the x87 FPU or any of the SIMD execution units is optional.




传统上作为累加寄存器,accumulator register。通过RAX存储函数返回值属于calling convention。




main函数最后的return 0,翻译成汇编,常常是xor eax, eax


传统上作为基址寄存器,base register,用于访问内存的基址。通用寄存器之一。


传统上作为计数寄存器,counter register,用于循环计数。loop指令指定使用此寄存器。


data register,数据寄存器。通用寄存器之一。


source index,源变址寄存器,字符串运算时常用于源地址指针。


destination index,目标变址寄存器,字符串运算时常用于目标指针。


stack pointer,栈顶指针寄存器。

函数调用向下扩展的栈空间,貌似有个术语,叫做shadow space

Application programs can also use the stack to pass function arguments and store temporary data. Register ESP always points to the stack’s top-most item. While it is possible to use the ESP register as a general-purpose register, such use is impractical and strongly discouraged. RSP虽然是general purpose,但不要用作他用。


base pointer,基址寄存器,一般用来存放栈底地址,stack frame的开始地址。


push rbp       ;函数最开始,保存rbp到stack
mov  rbp, rsp  ;扩展stack之前,保存此值,作为新stack frame的底
; ...
mov  rsp, rbp  ;最后恢复
pop  rbp   

手写汇编用rbp作为一个函数内不变的anchor很方便,但编译器早已经开始不用这种pattern了(gcc在x64环境下的优化),有文章说这是更激进的优化,函数开始(prologue)和结束(epilogue)不用再push和pop,而且释放出了一个rbp作为free register,可以进一步加速。

R8 -- R15

R8, R9, R10, ... , R15属于通用寄存器,一般是可以任意使用,不指定特定用途。




There are odd limitations accessing the byte registers due to coding issues in the REX opcode prefix used for the new registers: an instruction cannot reference a legacy high byte (AH, BH, CH, DH) and one of the new byte registers at the same time (such as R11B), but it can use legacy low bytes (AL, BL, CL, DL). This is enforced by changing (AH, BH, CH, DH) to (BPL, SPL, DIL, SIL) for instructions using a REX prefix.

r0 -- r7 这组名称,属于x87 mmx regitsters...



上面16个都是general purpose register!!


instruction pointer,指令指针。只读,不可拆分。


The instruction pointer always points to the next instruction address and is automatically set by the CPU; you can’t manually write it. On x86-64 you can read the value of the instruction pointer, but on 32-bit x86 you can’t even do that.

The EIP register is implicitly manipulated by control-transfer instructions. For example, the call (Call Procedure) instruction pushes the contents of the EIP register onto the stack and transfers program control to the address designated by the specified operand. The ret (Return from Procedure) instruction transfers program control by popping the top-most item off the stack into the EIP register.


x64 provides a new rip-relative addressing mode. Instructions that refer to a single constant address are encoded as offsets from rip. For example, the mov rax, [addr]? instruction moves 8 bytes beginning at addr + rip to rax.


The EFLAGS register contains a series of status bits that the processor uses to indicate the results of logical and arithmetic operations. It also contains a collection of system control bits that are primarily used by operating systems.


The RFLAGS register stores flags used for results of operations and for controlling the processor. This is formed from the x86 32-bit register EFLAGS by adding a higher 32 bits which are reserved and currently unused.





For application programs, the most important bits in the EFLAGS register are the following status flags: auxiliary carry flag (AF), carry flag (CF), overflow flag (OF), parity flag (PF), sign flag (SF), and zero flag (ZF).

The auxiliary carry flag denotes a carry or borrow condition during binary-coded decimal addition or subtraction. The carry flag is set by the processor to signify an overflow condition when performing unsigned integer arithmetic. It is also used by some register rotate and shift instructions. The overflow flag signals that the result of a signed integer operation is too small or too large. The parity flag indicates whether the least-significant byte of a result contains an even number of 1 bits. The sign and zero flags are set by logical and arithmetic instructions to signify a negative, zero, or positive result.

The EFLAGS register also contains a control bit called the direction flag (DF). An application program can set or reset the direction flag, which defines the auto increment direction (0 = low-to-high addresses, 1 = high-to-low addresses) of the EDI and ESI registers during execution of the string instructions. The remaining bits in the EFLAGS register are used exclusively by the operating system to manage interrupts, restrict I/O operations, and support program debugging. They should never be modified by an application program. Reserved bits should also never be modified and no assumptions should ever be made regarding the state of any reserved bit.

FPR0 -- FPR7 (MMX0-7)

The floating point unit (FPU) contains eight registers FPR0-FPR7, status and control registers, and a few other specialized registers.

Floating point operations conform to IEEE 754. Note that most C/C++ compilers support the 32 and 64 bit types as float and double, but not the 80-bit one available from assembly. These registers share space with the eight 64-bit MMX registers.

YMM0 -- YMM15

YMM0~15专门用于packed data,256bit,可以存放多个整数或浮点数。例如,一个YMM支持存放4个64位数值或者8个32位值。支持拆分成XMM0~15(YMM的低128位)。

CR0 -- CR10 控制寄存器


There are also control registers such as cr0–cr10 that the kernel uses to control the CPU’s behavior, for instance, to switch between protected mode and real mode.


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