
Last Updated: 2023-07-10 06:49:19 Monday

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glob的由来:很久很久以前,在UNIX v6中,有一个程序名叫/etc/glob,它能够用来扩展wildcard pattern,不久后,这个功能内置进了shell。

glob [ɡlɔb] n. a compact mass


当Bash命令行使用glob时,先扩展,再执行命令。因此,扩展的结果是由Bash负责,与所要执行的命令无关。命令本身收到什么参数就原样执行。这一点务必需要搞清楚!(因为这个原因,很多命令都支持多参数,即globbing后的pathname list)

Bash的glob规则,同样适用于各种parameter expansion!在官方文档中,glob被称为Pattern Match!


一个字符串属于wildcard pattern,它需要包含?*[3个符号中的任意一个。Globbing这个动作的操作,就是将wildcard pattern扩展成一个符合此pattern的pathname list,可能是list哦!



显示隐藏文件,要使用ls .*


[a-z]:表示一个范围(ASCII range),它是集合的简化表达方式,例如[0-9]表示所有数字符号,[A-F]表示A到F这个字母范围。[--0]匹配-.0/是不能被匹配的



$ ls b*
bootchartd.c  bootchartd.o  built-in.o
$ ls b\*
ls: cannot access 'b*': No such file or directory
$ ls b[*]
ls: cannot access 'b[*]': No such file or directory
$ ls 'b*'  # or "b*"
ls: cannot access 'b*': No such file or directory



Globbing操作分别应用在pathname的每一个由/分开的部分,这就是为什么/不能够被匹配的原因,也因此,wildcard pattern可以分段写。

$ ls in*/in*
include/inet_common.h  init/init.c  init/init.o

如果文件名由.开始,这个符号必须显式的匹配,即用一个.去匹配。因此rm *不会删除由点开始的隐藏文件,tar c *不会将所有文件打包,用tar c .更好。


empty lists

Globbing后得到一个empty list是可能的,POSIX规定:POSIX requires that a wildcard pattern is left unchanged when it is syntactically incorrect(包含/), or the list of matching pathnames is empty. 就是当globbing有错或为空时,wildcard pattern保持不变,命令使用这个pattern字符串本身。

$ ls k*
ls: cannot access 'k*': No such file or directory
$ shopt -s nullglob
$ ls k*
bootchartd.c  built-in.o  Config.src  halt.o  init.o  Kbuild.src  reboot.h
bootchartd.o  Config.in   halt.c      init.c  Kbuild  lib.a



$ echo */
cmake_test/ cs231n_assignment/ opencv/ pyvirtualcam/
$ echo **/
cmake_test/ cs231n_assignment/ opencv/ pyvirtualcam/




re中集合补充使用[^...],glob还能使用[!...]。当然,还有很多其他不一样的地方。glob用来产生pathname list,re用来匹配字符串!




[:alnum:]  [:alpha:]  [:blank:]  [:cntrl:]
[:digit:]  [:graph:]  [:lower:]  [:print:]
[:punct:]  [:space:]  [:upper:]  [:xdigit:]

so that one can say [[:lower:]] instead of [a-z], and have things work in Denmark, too, where there are three letters past 'z' in the alphabet. These character classes are defined by the LC_CTYPE category in the current locale.

(v) Collating symbols, like "[.ch.]" or "[.a-acute.]", where the string between "[." and ".]" is a collating element defined for the current locale. Note that this may be a multicharacter element.

(vi) Equivalence class expressions, like "[=a=]", where the string between "[=" and "=]" is any collating element from its equivalence class, as defined for the current locale. For example, "[[=a=]]" might be equivalent to "[aáaäâ]", that is, to "[a[.a-acute.][.a-grave.][.a-umlaut.][.a-circumflex.]]".



$ shopt | grep glob
dotglob         off
extglob         on
failglob        off
globasciiranges off
globstar        off
nocaseglob      off
nullglob        off

If the extglob shell option is enabled using the shopt builtin, several extended pattern matching operators are recognized. In the following description, a pattern-list is a list of one or more patterns separated by a |. Composite patterns may be formed using one or more of the following sub-patterns:



Matches zero or one occurrence of the given patterns.


Matches zero or more occurrences of the given patterns.


Matches one or more occurrences of the given patterns.


Matches one of the given patterns.


Matches anything except one of the given patterns.

Complicated extended pattern matching against long strings is slow, especially when the patterns contain alternations and the strings contain multiple matches. Using separate matches against shorter strings, or using arrays of strings instead of a single long string, may be faster.


$ echo *(v*|t*)


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