
Last Updated: 2023-10-04 07:31:41 Wednesday

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from functools import partial

def shex(ch, *, prefix=True, upper=True):
    """Return the full hex representation of ch w/o 0x prefix.
    ch is 0 -- 255 (Small range) in int type, since python has no char type.
    The hex function in stdlib would omit the leading zero, shex would not.
    if ch < 0 or ch > 255:
        raise ValueError('ch should be 0 -- 255.')
    rt = hex(ch)[2:].upper() if upper else hex(ch)[2:]
    return '0x'+rt.rjust(2,'0') if prefix else rt.rjust(2,'0')

shex_pu = partial(shex)
shex_u = partial(shex, prefix=False)
shex_pl = partial(shex, upper=False)
shex_l = partial(shex, prefix=False, upper=False)

def sbin(ch, *, prefix=True):
    """Return the full bin representation of ch w/o 0b prefix.
    ch is 0 -- 255 (Small range) in int type, since python has no char type.
    The bin function in stdlib would omit the leading zero, sbin would not.
    if ch < 0 or ch > 255:
        raise ValueError('ch should be 0 -- 255.')
    rt = bin(ch)[2:].rjust(8,'0')
    return '0b'+rt if prefix else rt

sbin_0b = partial(sbin)
sbin_01 = partial(sbin, prefix=False)

normalize keys of dict object

所谓normalize keys of dict object,就是将一个dict对象的所有的key,统一做大小写转换,以及strip,以方便后续代码处理。


def chDictKey(odict, keycase='lower', recur=True):
    """Return a new dict with changed keys (also stripped) in keycase.
    keycase: lower(default), upper.
    The recursive effect is only applied to dict elements in dict object.
    if not isinstance(odict, dict):
        return odict
    ndict = dict()
    for k,v in odict.items():
        _k = eval('k.'+keycase+'().strip()')
        ndict[_k] = chDictKey(v, keycase, 1) if recur else v
    return ndict





_re_incr14Str = re.compile(r'(\d+)([^\d]*$)')

def incr14Str(string):
    """Increase one (+1) for the LAST number partition of string.
    If in case abcd999ko, return abcd000ko after +1.
    The length of string keeps the same.
    rt = _re_incr14Str.search(string)
    if rt:
        pos_left = rt.span()[0]
        num = int(rt.groups()[0])
        numStr = ''
        for i in range(len(rt.groups()[0])-len(str(num+1))):
            numStr += '0'
            numStr += str(num+1)
        return (string[:pos_left]
                + numStr[len(numStr)-len(rt.groups()[0]):]
                + rt.groups()[1])
        raise ValueError('No suitable number partition found.')




def chlen(string):
    """Return the ascii space length of the string.
    In case there are Chinese symbols in string, which occupys 2 ascii spaces
    each. I assume all the length of unicode of non-ascii char is 2.
    if string.isascii():
        return len(string)
    length = 0
    for it in list(string):
        length = length+1 if it.isascii() else length+2
    return length


def chstr(string, length, align):
    """Return a new string extended by space (ascii) and aligned.
    length should larger than real ascii length of string (chlen),
    align is either 'left', 'middle' or 'right',
    Chinese symbol in string is the purpose and supported.
    real_len = chlen(string)
    if real_len > length:
        raise ValueError('length is too small.')
    if real_len == length:
        return string
    needed = length - real_len
    if align == 'left':
        return string + ' '*needed
    if align == 'right':
        return ' '*needed + string
    # middle
    half_space = ' ' * int(needed/2)
    rt = half_space + string + half_space
    return rt if needed%2==0 else rt+' '



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