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P (Polynomial)

NP(Non-deterministic Polynomial)

NDTM(Non-Deterministic Turing Machine)

A Non-Deterministic Turing Machine (NDTM) is a theoretical model of computation that, unlike a Deterministic Turing machine (DTM), can explore multiple possibilities simultaneously. It can follow multiple paths simultaneously, potentially allowing for more efficient processing of certain problems. An NDTM has the capability to guess the correct next action at each step, rather than relying on a deterministic transition function. This ability to explore multiple paths at once allows for the possibility of solving problems faster than deterministic Turing Machines, particularly for problems with many possible solutions or paths.

NDTM is just similar, but not the same with quantum computing!



P equals NP?

这是计算机理论中,最重要的一个open question!很多人认为NP不等于NP,但是给不出证明。也没有人能够给出一个Polynomail的算法来解决某个NP问题。



Decision Problem


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