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本文介绍tty命令,以及TTY终端和console控制台的历史,Controlling Terminal,理清这些概念!内容零散,但很有价值。
tty - print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input
$ tty
/dev/pts/0 # pts/1...
$ tty
/dev/tty1 # tty2, tty3...
pts表示pty的从设备(slave),pty是伪终端,pseudo-tty,模拟出来的终端。通过网络远程登录,或者在X Windows里开的终端模拟器,用tty命令看到的都是pts!
使用终端模拟器登录到 Linux 时,使用的是伪终端(PTY,Pseudo TTY)。
伪终端分为主和从两个部分,与终端模拟器交互的部分是主(PTM,Pseudo TTY Master),与用户进程交互的部分是从(PTS,Pseudo TTY Master)。
伪终端被分为主(master)从(slave)两个部分。pty slave 用于模拟硬件文本终端设备,pty master 提供了一套终端模拟器进程控制 pty slave 的方法。
终端模拟器运行于用户空间,与 pty master 交互,pty master 再通过 LDISC 与 pty slave 交互,pty slave 再与用户进程交互。
例如登录到 Linux 图形界面后打开终端窗口执行 tty,可以得到 /dev/pts/0。或者使用 ssh 登录到远程服务器执行 tty,也会得到 /dev/pts/N。这里的 pts 指的是 pty slave。
,代表当前tty设备(Controlling Terminal),在当前的终端中输入:sudo echo "hello" > /dev/tty
Trick: echo命令后面也可以换成别的终端设备文件,实现TTY相互之间发消息。
ssh在获取密码时,是open /dev/tty
$ pwd
$ ll std* tty
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 May 13 18:20 stderr -> /proc/self/fd/2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 May 13 18:20 stdin -> /proc/self/fd/0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 May 13 18:20 stdout -> /proc/self/fd/1
crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 5, 0 Jun 22 17:59 tty
TTY是TeleTYpe printer的简写,有人翻译为电传打印机,它是电报时代的产物。对,你没看错,在还没有计算机的时候,TTY就有了。
“终端”一词,洋文称之为“Terminal”。有时候又被称作 TTY,而 TTY 这个简写就来自刚才介绍的电传打字机(teletype printer)。因为早期的大型机,其“终端”就是电传打字机。那时候的终端,也称作硬件终端。
稍微懂点 IT 的同学,应该都听说过“回车/换行”,洋文分别称之为carriage return
和 line feed
。在编程领域,这两个字符简称为 \r
和 \n
因为在电传打字机时代,当打印完一行之后,需要用一个控制命令把“打印头”复位(移到打印纸的左边),然后再用另一个控制命令把“打印头”往下移动一行。很自然地,这俩动作就对应了两个控制字符(CR & LF),也就是所谓的“回车 & 换行”。如果你去留意一下 ASCII 字符表的开头部分,前面那32个字符都是控制字符,很多都源于遥远的电报时代。
假设你的Linux系统没安装图形界面(或者默认不启用图形界面),当系统启动完成之后,你会在屏幕上看到一个文本模式的登录提示。这个界面就是 virtual console
的界面。在默认情况下,Linux 内置了6 virtual console 用于命令行操作,使用Ctrl+Alt+Fn进行切换。
所谓virtual console,就是可以多个不同的console共享同一套键盘和显示器。
保存一些网络上看到的文字,原文连接已经无法访问了,感觉这些都是比较古老的东西...老而不死的......有了前面两张图,controlling terminal是什么,基本上一目了然...
One of the attributes of a process is its controlling terminal. Child processes created with fork inherit the controlling terminal from their parent process. In this way, all the processes in a session
inherit the controlling terminal from the session leader
. A session leader that has control of a terminal is called the controlling process of that terminal
controlling terminal是进程的一个属性,也是真实存在于系统中的,通过fork创建的子进程会继承父进程的controlling terminal。
You generally do not need to worry about the exact mechanism used to allocate a controlling terminal to a session, since it is done for you by the system when you log in.
login后,系统自动分配controlling terminal。
The setsid function creates a new session. The calling process becomes the session leader, and is put in a new process group whose process group ID is the same as the process ID of that process. There are initially no other processes in the new process group, and no other process groups in the new session.
**This function also makes the calling process have no controlling terminal. **
setsid函数接口用来创建一个新的session,调用此接口的进程就是session leader,并且调用此接口后,进程没有controlling terminal。
A process can have at most one controlling terminal, which is the primary means for interacting with the operator in text mode.
Note: For graphical programs, the controlling terminal is typically not the primary means of interaction, but it still can be used for controlling the process, e.g. pausing or terminating it.
一个进程最多只能有一个controlling terminal,这个terminal是与用户在文本模式下交互的主要手段。图形界面的程序,也可以有controlling terminal。
A controlling terminal is assigned to a whole session, which consists of one or more process groups. Only one group can read and write from/to the terminal at one time; such group is called the foreground group; others are said to be at the background. The shell allows the user to switch between the groups.
When a process starts, it inherits the controlling terminal from its parent, as well as it inherits a process group (and therefore a session).
进程启动后继承controlling terminal,同时也继承process group,因此形成所谓的session。
Terminal and the shell: When a process is started from the shell, it is typically in the foreground group (but the user can explictly request otherwise), and its standard input, standard output and standard error output are attached to the controlling terminal (but the user can redirect these streams as needed).
A process can query its controlling terminal via the /dev/tty
A process itself can close and redirect its standard input and outputs, but it stays bound to its controlling terminal. If it needs to disconnect from the controlling terminal, it has to leave its session, which is accomplished with the setsid() call.
进程解除与controlling terminal的绑定,只能通过调用setsid接口离开session的方式。
If a process has no controlling terminal (i.e. it is in a session that has no controlling terminal), it can acquire one by open()-ing a terminal file without the O_NOCTTY flag.
进程如果没有controlling terminal,可以自己open一个。
Certain input sequences from the controlling-terminal cause signals to be sent to all processes in the process-group for the controlling-terminal (see termio(7)). The controlling-terminal plays a special role in handling quit and interrupt signals (see ``Special characters'').
When a session-leader without a controlling-terminal opens a terminal-device-file and the flag O_NOCTTY is clear on open, that terminal becomes the controlling-terminal assigned to the session-leader if the terminal is not already assigned to some session (see open(2)). When any process other than a session-leader opens a terminal-device-file, or the flag O_NOCTTY is set on open, that terminal does not become the controlling-terminal assigned to the calling-process.
只有session leader打开的才是controlling terminal。
A controlling-terminal distinguishes one of the process-groups in the session assigned to it as the foreground
process-group; all other process-groups in the session are background
process-groups. By default, when the session-leader acquires a controlling-terminal, the process-group of the session-leader becomes the foreground process-group of the controlling-terminal. The foreground process-group plays a special role in handling signal-generating input characters (see Special characters
When a session-leader terminates, the current session relinquishes the controlling-terminal allowing a new session-leader to acquire it. Any further attempts to access the terminal by other processes in the old session may be denied and treated as if modem-disconnect was detected on the terminal.
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