计算Internet Checksum,理解其局限

Last Updated: 2023-10-15 12:20:33 Sunday

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Internet Checksum对应RFC1071,许多重要的协议报文(IP,ICMP,TCP,UDP...),都使用此算法,计算并确保报文或报文头的数据一致性(integrity)。

Ethernet Frame使用CRC校验





def inet_cks(bstr):
    """ Return intenet checksum in bytes type """
    length = len(bstr)
    odd = length % 2
    sm = sum([int.from_bytes(bstr[i:i+2],'big')
              for i in range(0,length-odd,2)])
    if odd:
        sm += (bstr[-1]<<8)
    while (h16:=(sm>>16)):
        sm = (sm & 0xFFFF) + h16
    return (~sm&0xFFFF).to_bytes(2,'big')



/* Compute Internet Checksum for "count" bytes,
 * beginning at location "addr" which is in big-endian.*/
unsigned short cks(unsigned char *addr, int count) {
    int i, odd;
    unsigned long sum = 0;

    odd = count & 1;
    for (i=0; i<count-odd; i+=2)
        sum += (addr[i]<<8) + addr[i+1];

    if (odd)
        sum += (addr[count-1]<<8);

    while (sum>>16)
        sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);

    return htons(~sum);


Internet Checksum并不够强,它只是提供了最基本的数据一致性检测,用来应对偶然发生的数据错误,只能将其视为最低层次的数据一致性检测手段。

The Internet checksum is a basic algorithm that calculates a checksum value based on the data being transmitted. It is relatively easy to calculate and verify, but it is not intended to provide strong data integrity or protect against deliberate attacks.

The Internet checksum algorithm is a simple and fast mechanism for error detection, but it has some limitations. It can only detect certain types of errors, such as single-bit errors or some two-bit errors. It is not effective in detecting all possible errors or intentional attacks. Therefore, it should not be solely relied upon for ensuring data integrity or security.



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