决策树(Decision Tree)

Last Updated: 2024-02-29 08:27:41 Thursday

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Decision tree is a FULL binary tree,which means that a decision can be made only when a leaf is reached from root. Decision tree model can be used to prove the lower bound of any comparison sorting algorithms, which is \(\Omega(n\log{n})\).


Desicion tree is a model that is especially useful when we are concerned with only the number of comparisions made by an algorithm. We assume that comparisons have at most two outcomes. The decision tree provides a useful way to measure the performance of algorithms.

在搜索决策树时,Cost为从root出发到达某个Leaf时,所有经过edge的权重和。Worst case就是这个cost最大的情况。一般情况下,Edge的cost都是1,左右相等,此时Cost与经过的节点数相同,节点数代表了某个关键操作的数量,比如Comparison。如果搜索结果影响cost,比如在某个高度扔鸡蛋时,鸡蛋broken与否,cost就不同,此时最优的树结构不再是平衡的,叫做Lopsided tree。Lopsided tree在全网的资料非常少!


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