
Last Updated: 2023-06-02 09:54:14 Friday

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Autoconf is part of the GNU Autotools build system. Autotools is a collection of three main packages: autoconf, automake, and libtools. Each of the package has smaller sub-packages including autoheader, aclocal, autoscan etc.


configure.ac --> configure --> Makefile,configure.ac就是基于m4的简化版的shell脚本,configure是完整版的。


autoconf语法,就是m4 macro + shell script.

Gnu m4 macro is an implementation of the traditional UNIX macro processor. By using m4, you can easily create portable shell script, include different pre-defined macros, and define your own extensions easily. In short, autoconf syntax is shell script wrapped by gnu m4 macro.


In the early days, writing portable shell scripts wasn’t that easy. For example not all the mkdir support -p option, not all the shells are bash compatible, etc. Using the m4 macro to perform the regular shell logics, like AS_IF instead if if [[ ]]; then..., AS_MKDIR_P instead of mkdir -p, AS_CASE instead of case ... esac makes your configure script works better on all unix/unix-like environment, and more conventional. Most of the time you’ll be using macros instead of bare bone shell script, but keep in mind that behind the scene your final output is still shell script.

m4基本上就是定义macro和替换macro,很像C语言的宏替换。所谓的编译,就是从configure.ac到configure,后者就是一个shell脚本,所有的m4 macro,都被替换掉了。

# define a macro MY_MACRO that expands to text ABC
m4_define([MY_MACRO], [ABC])

# define a macro that is visible to other m4 scripts


ABC="hello world"     # m4 would TRY to expand ABC, hello, and world
[ABC="hello world"]   # m4 would just produce ABC="hello world" to the output

不能被替换的部分(shell脚本),会在编译(autoreconf)后保留下来,连注释也都完整保留。因此,这里所谓的编译,就是macro replacement!



sudo make install


$ sudo dnf install autoconf automake libtool gettext-devel


hello autoconf

$ mkdir hello
$ cd hello
$ touch configure.ac  # ac: autoconf
$ touch Makefile.am   # am: automake
$ touch hello.c


$ cat configure.ac
# Must init the autoconf setup
AC_INIT([hello], [1.0], [12345@qq.com])

# Safety checks in case user overwritten --srcdir

# Store the auxiliary build tools (e.g., install-sh, config.sub, config.guess)
# in this dir (build-aux)

# Init automake, and specify this program use relaxed structures.
# i.e. this program doesn't follow the gnu coding standards, and doesn't have
# ChangeLog, COPYING, AUTHORS, INSTALL, README etc. files.
# 这里的-Werror应该与最后传递给gcc的不一样,只是书写一样!
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([-Wall -Werror foreign])

# Check for C compiler
# We can add more checks in this section

# Tells automake to create a Makefile
# See https://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/html_node/Requirements.html

# Generate the output

$ cat Makefile.am
bin_PROGRAMS = hello
hello_SOURCES = hello.c

$ cat hello.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    printf("hello autoconf\n");
    return 0;


$ autoreconf -vif  # configure.ac --> configure



$ ./configure
$ make
$ ./hello  # test hello



The syntax for configure.ac is MACRO_NAME([param-1],[param-2]..). The parameter passed to the macro must be quoted by square brackets, (unless it is another macro that you want to expand BEFORE calling the outer macro, which is very rare). The macros will expands to shell script that perform the actual checks. You can also write shell script in your configure.ac file. Just one difference, you should use if test ; then... instead of if [[ ]]; then... for condition branching, because the square brackets would get expanded by the autoconf macro system.


In every autoconf configure script, you must first initialize autoconf with this macro. The square braket that wraps around each parameter cannot be omitted.

Next we specify a unique file identifying we are in the right directory. This is a safety check in case user override the –srcdir command line option.


By default autoconf will create many auxiliary files that help to build and distribute the programs. However we don’t want to have these files to mess up the project home directory. In convention we call this macro with [build-aux] so that it put these extra files in build-aux/ instead of project home.


Initializes automake. An important note here is in early phase of your project development, you probably want to provide the option foreign to init automake. If foreign wasn’t provided, automake will complain that your project didn’t confirm to gnu coding standards, which would require you to have README, ChangLog, AUTHORS, and many other files in your project’s home directory.

Checks for a valid C compiler. There are hundreds more checks you can put in this section.

Required by automake to create the output file. Here we simply put the Makefile in.

Creates the configure script


# Printing regular message
AC_MSG_NOTICE([Greetings from Autoconf])

# Prints an error message and stops the configure script
AC_MSG_ERROR([We have an error here!]


Unlike autoconf, automake is not using m4 to extend the syntax. It uses a naming convention that converts to the actual logic.



The output is a PROGRAM (other options are LIBRARY, HEADER, MAN, etc.) named hello, and will be installed in bin directory (default to /usr/local/bin, but can be configured when invoking ./configure.


The sources of hello program is hello.c


make targets


make all           # same with make
make install
make install-strip # Same as make install, then strip debugging symbols.
make uninstall     # The opposite of make install
make clean         # Erase from the build tree
make maintainer-clean  # Erase files that generated by autoconf
make distclean     # Additionally erase anything ./configure created.
make check         # Run the test suite, if any.
make installcheck  # Check the installed programs or libraries, if supported.
make dist          # Recreate package-version.tar.gz from all the source files.


Some influential environment variables:
  CC          C compiler command
  CFLAGS      C compiler flags
  LDFLAGS     linker flags, e.g. -L<lib dir> if you have libraries in a
              nonstandard directory <lib dir>
  LIBS        libraries to pass to the linker, e.g. -l<library>
  CPPFLAGS    (Objective) C/C++ preprocessor flags, e.g. -I<include dir> if
              you have headers in a nonstandard directory <include dir>

Use these variables to override the choices made by `configure' or to help
it to find libraries and programs with nonstandard names/locations.


$ ./configure CC=/usr/bin/clang \  # default is gcc
              CFLAGS='-Wall -Wextra -O3' # defautl is -g -O2   




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