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范式这个词是翻译过来的,原文是 Normalization Form。
First Normal Form,是最优先要考虑的设计范式,1NF内含3个需要满足的条件:
2NF是针对一个表级约束,primary key是多column的场景。
比如我们用 build_id 和 room_id 组合在一起唯一确定一个 meeting room,如果有一列address,当某个building内有很多间会议室的时候,你就会发现address的内容在重复,此时就属于违反的2NF设计范式。
在设计的时候,foreign key 加上 unique 约束就是这样的关系了!
还有个专业的说法,detailed table,想想其实就是这样,对应的row,就是自然延伸,包含更多数据。
一般的foreign key设计,都是一对多。当表中的某row,包含或延伸的数据是 list 或 array 这样的场景式,自然就设计出一对多的关系表。
这种数据关系,需要一个 bridge table,或 link table,来将两个表的数据专门对用起来,如下图:
Data Definition Language
The first language is the Data Definition Language, or DDL, which refers to commands that define the structure of tables, views, indexes, and other data containers and objects within the database. CREATE TABLE (used to define a new table) and DROP VIEW (used to delete a view) are examples of DDL commands.
DDL用来管理container,比如table,index,view。table是SQL数据库的基本数据结构,还有 临时table (create temp table ...),和 virtual table。
Temporary tables have two specific features. First, temporary tables can only be seen by the database connection that created them. This allows the simultaneous re-use of table names without any worry of conflict between different clients. Second, all associated temporary tables are automatically dropped and deleted whenever a data-base connection is closed. 临时表的两个特性:(1)只能创建者能看到临时表;(2)数据库连接关闭,临时表自动删除。
A view, on the other hand, is fully dynamic. Every time the view is referenced or queried, the underlying SELECT statement is run to regenerate the view. This means the data seen in a view automatically updates as the data changes in the underlying tables. In a sense,views are almost like named queries. view创建后不会自动删除,每一次访问view,用于创建view的select语句就会被执行一次,因此每次得到的都是最新的select结果。
约束(constraint)可以应用于一个或多个column,后者有时也被称为 table constraint,表级约束。
Index可以单独创建,也可以在create table的时候,设置unique约束,SQLite3会自动为有unique约束的column,创建一个index。单独创建index,就可以选择是否要加上unique约束,有一些column的数据也很散列,但是不满足unique,也可以考虑增加index。
Data Manipulation Language
The second category of commands is known as Data Manipulation Language, or DML. These are all of the commands that insert, update, delete, and query actual data values from the data structures defined by the DDL. INSERT (used to insert new values into a table) and SELECT (used to query or look up data from tables) are examples of DML commands.
就是 select,insert,update,delete。
select语句是SQL中最复杂,最多变的。(select的结果一般是一个table,此table可用于insert,或者create temp table或者view等操作)
Transaction Control language
Related to the DML and DDL is the Transaction Control Language, or TCL. TCL commands can be used to control transactions of DML and DDL commands. BEGIN (used to begin a multistatement transaction) and COMMIT (used to end and accept a transaction) are examples of TCL commands.
有 begin,commit,rollback。
Data Control Language
The last category is the Data Control Language, or DCL. The main purpose of the DCL is to grant or revoke access control. Much like file permissions, DCL commands are used to allow (or deny) specific database users (or groups of users) permission to utilize or access specific resources within a database. These permissions can apply to both the DDL and the DML. DDL permissions might include the ability to create a real or temporary table, while DML permissions might include the ability to read, update, or delete the records of a specific table. GRANT (used to assign a permission) and REVOKE (used to delete an existing permission) are the primary DCL commands.
SQLite supports the majority of standardized DDL, DML, and TCL commands but lacks any DCL commands. Because SQLite does not have user names or logins, it does not have any concept of assigned permissions. Rather, SQLite depends on datatype permissions to define who can open and access a database.
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