鞍点(saddle point)

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A saddle point (or minimax point) on a graph of a function, is a critical point that isn’t a local extremum (i.e., it’s not a local maximum or a local minimum).


Another way of stating the definition is that it is a point where the slopes (or derivatives) in orthogonal directions are all zero. However, the point is not the highest or lowest point in its neighborhood.

下图是\(z = x^2 + y^2\),那个红色的点就是鞍点,刚好在零点位置:


还有一个概念:saddle surface

A smooth surface which has one or more saddle points is called a saddle surface.

下图是个经典的case,叫做monkey saddle,来自\(z = x^3-3xy^2\):


If the name seems a bit random, try imagining it as a saddle for a monkey, with a place for both legs and another place for the tail.


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